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Tyvek Header Bag

For EO sterilization



Product Center


Product Description

When your medical device requires a film-film package or foil pouch, header bags made with DuPontTyvek® provide a solution for enabling ethylene oxide (Eo) sterilization.
Some medical devices and procedure kits are packaged in film-film packages or foil pouches becausethey require a barrier to light, oxygen or moisture. These packaged medical devices and procedure kitscannot be sterilized with EO without the use of a header bag or breather patch made of a porouspackaging material such as Tyvek®.
Header bags made with Tyvek® enable EO sterilization of medical devices within film-film packagesand foil pouches because Tyveke allows the moisture and heat from EO sterilization to pass in-andout-of the package.
In addition to enabling EO sterilization, headers made with Tyvek® have superior puncture resistancecompared to headers made with medical-grade paper. Header bags made with Tyvek® also offersuperior moisture resistance and microbial barrier compared to those made with medical-gradepapers.

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